Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Very Communique Christmas

Hey all of you internet-using people,

It's the return of the Communique! We've got our holiday special done, just in time for you to talk about it while arguing over well prepared meat. There's carols galore, and our horrible singing voices take the pain out of any forgotten present. So sit back, relax, and let the force flow through you, because this is THE COMMUNIQUE:

The Communique- 12-5-08.mp3

And from all of us at the Communique, have a safe, destructive, angst filled and identity theft free holiday season. We'll see all of you in January.

Monday, December 1, 2008

The Communique! 11/21/08

Back from Thanksgiving, eh? Well, if you didn't get trampled on Black Friday you can listen to this week's edition of THE COMMUNIQUE! with Amanda Leslie as our guest. After all those leftovers you should just sit down, turn your computer on, and laugh it off.

The Communique 11-21-08.mp3

It's now day 17 of the Kroger Watch. All hope is lost.

It's the perfect stocking stuffer America. This is the Communique!